Restaurant Marketing

We understand the needs of your buisness

To many Restaurants run without a Restaurant Marketing Strategy to guide them to how to market, which channels to market through.
You don’t want to have the best Restaurant that no one has ever heard of.
Too many Restaurant owners work too many hours with very little life outside their Restaurant and too often they are earning less per hour than the bottle washer. They struggle to provide Great Food, Great Value and Great Experiences for their customers, but they struggle against Restaurants with Great Marketing which provide average food, poor value and/or ordinary experiences. The Restaurant Marketing Strategy Plan is specifically designed for Restaurant Owners with Great Restaurants who need that assistance to get the word out about their awesome Restaurant.
Our Restaurant Marketing Strategy Plans are designed to
1. Review what you are doing now and how effective it is.
2. Highlight the strengths and weaknesses.
3. Create a plan for growth.
4. Train and Mentor you around implementing your growth plan.

BHM Restaurant Marketing Services

Restaurant Branding & Marketing

Brand Strategy and Development

Marketing Strategies

New Concept Development

Restaurant Photography

Restaurant Turn Around Service

The Restaurant Marketing Strategy Plan usually takes place over 1 or 2 weeks.
1. Initial strategy discussion: We will talk to you about your Restaurant, the cuisine, target market, current marketing plan if any, and most importantly, what your goals are for the Restaurant. We will look at your Marketing Budget and tailor a solution around what budget, if any, you have. Many of the best Restaurant marketing ideas are free.
2. Review of the current marketing:
We will look at your Google Analytics, Facebook Page, Twitter, Instagram, Email Marketing. We look at the type of customers you are engaging with and how they respond to your marketing.
3. The Restaurant Marketing Action Plan:
We will come up with a detailed list of actions that you can take quickly.
4. Restaurant Marketing Training and Mentoring.
5. Marketing Plan Review. 4 weeks after the plan, we will follow up with you to ensure that you understand the processes that we have outlined and have been able to carry our some of the marketing ideas that we have suggested.

Our Works

View our case studies to see a selection of our works

Lets Get Started your project

We will help you to achieve your goals and to grow your business.